Pitru Tarpana for Departed Souls
Pitrudevatas and their aaradhana is of primordial importance as according to our Shastras and Vedas.
On every Amavasya, at 12pm, Our departed ancestors wait at our threshold seeking water, and if their thirst is not quenched, they go away in extreme pain, cursing the entire generation. Most of the problems that trouble us in our lives, depriving us of success and prosperity, also cause problems to our progeny, because of Pitru Doshas. The easiest remedy for Pitru Shrapas and Doshas is feeding Gowmata and offering Tarpana to Pitrus in a Gowsabha.
For more information, please refer below articles:
Gowmata and Pitrudevata Aaradhana, Pitru Paksha
Mahalaya Amavasya Significance
Our Panditji will be performing Tarpanam for departed souls whose details are given by their family, by filling below form. Video will be sent to those who register, after Panditji performs the Tarpana. No charges apply.