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Gomaya Vibhuti & Locket

Romni romni mahabhaga

loksthasya akshayasmruthaha.

VIBHUTI is prepared from Gomayam of happy Gowmatas, following the procedures as mentioned & prescribed in Rigveda  (Vibhuti that’s prepared from unhappy Gowmatas gives adverse effects).

Every hair of Gowmata is eternal elixir & raksha from negative & evil forces. During Kanduyana Upachara (Daily Brushing) to Gowmata, the hairs from the tail of Gowmata that fall off are carefully collected for wearing in a locket.

The Mrittika (Mud) from hooves impressions from Gowmatas is collected & sieved, then mixed with Juvvadi for application as Tilak, as protection from evil Forces & negative energy.

Gomaya Vibhuti and Gow hair in copper/silver locket along with Gow Mrittika will be delivered to all who register here

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Please make payment by clicking the pay now button if you have chosen silver locket

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